Super cute Persimmon lanterns ....
風大說 把光圈縮成 16 就可以把人弄模糊 但是 我這樣看 絕得 有點恐怖 像是鬼影
白平衡 從自動 調成 直射陽光 又變成白幟光 條來條去 又條ISO 又條點測光 就是絕得怪 ........................ 到底該怎麼拍啦
雖是第一天彩排 不過已經很多人 talked to a local guy at the station , he said the most of the people we saw at the fair were not from chayi , but other places ....
" bokeh " is one of the effect that I was trying ..... however .... I failed .... aahh.........................