
看了噁心到不行的SAW 3 奪魂鋸 三   

   從頭血腥到尾   不過整片想傳達的意思很清楚   
就是要寬恕 寬容  學會放手讓你傷痛的過去   不能讓怨恨 憤怒控制我們的理智

I saw a really splatter movie .... '"SAW 3 "  ....    really really gross .....      however , the main message in the film is clear -  learn to forgive ... to let go of the past that hurts you so , stop embracing the pain ( here I think of the asshole , may he stop feeling the pain soon )    ....   refuse to be controled by resentments and hate . 

另一片我看的 我很喜歡  朋友介紹我這片   一直都喜歡伍迪艾倫的作品  
I saw another movie .. which was recommended by a friend ...     I have always liked Woody Allen's works . 

愛情決勝點     Match point

導  演:伍迪艾倫(Woody Allen)

演  員:【愛情不用翻譯】思加莉喬涵森(Scarlett Johansson)、【我愛貝克漢】強納森瑞斯梅爾(Jonathan Rhys Meyers)、艾蜜莉摩提默(Emily Mortimer)

"The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net and for a split second it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck it goes forward and you win. Or maybe it doesn't and you lose."

MATCH POINT is a drama about a young man's rise in society and the terrible consequences of his ambition. The protagonist is torn between two women, and finding no way out, resorts to extreme action. The actors are all English and it is set amongst the English upper class with Scarlett Johansson playing the beautiful American girl who comes between Jonathan Rhys Meyers and his wife Emily Mortimer. Matthew Goode is Emily's wealthy brother who initiates the tragic events.


克里斯威頓(強納森瑞斯梅爾飾)是一個沒沒無聞、一無所有的網球教練,但是當他和富家子弟湯姆休威(馬修谷帝飾)成為莫逆之交,同時迎娶了他妹妹克莉(艾蜜莉摩提墨飾)之後,他等於拿到了他夢寐以求通往財富和成功之門的金鑰。可是當克里斯應該滿足於上流社會的生活時,他卻被湯姆美麗的未婚妻諾拉 (史嘉蕾喬漢森飾) 深深吸引,而這個致命的吸引力轉變成要命的佔有慾時,也讓克里斯面對最殘酷的人生選擇。最後所有的事情都可能讓克里斯命懸一線,因為他可能再度變成一無所,而好運也可能時有殆盡。


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    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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