unconditional Love 無條件的愛
a friend said to me ,
" when it comes to love i guess u don't need to listen to any of words from the others just follow ur
feeling !!don't think too much ..you know sometimes it makes worse...
we are just living in the every different moments so enjoy the moment and try do your best for the moment!! "
I agree with her alright , when my ex called me last sunday morning and feeling all sad and crying ..... I was shocked .... and totally speechless
I didn't expect this comimg ...certainly not after nearly a year ....
he wanted to meet so that he would know how he really feel about me , and to see how we interact ...
for me , it's a veyr strange reason to meet ..and a selfish one as well.... what about me ?? AM I suppose to sit there and interrogated by him and waiting for him to decide how he feels?
none of these makes any sense at all.....
He said that he felt that he was like an year ago hurt by me ....and I still have the ability to hurt him ...
we have abilitities to hurt each other ..... do we still have the abilitities to make each other happy ??
I don't know if I want to meet .... I mean I think I want to ... but do I need to ?? one , we will be friends , two , we might end up beating eah other up .. ha , or three , we might both feel the connection , and get back ... but there are still many factors between us ..
none of them is something I would like to see , or need right now ...
I am in control of my life ... doing things I like , meeting people I am comfortable with .....
But if I don't take the chance , I will never find out what life may bring ............
I know now that I will handle the same situation very differently .... there are some certain things that I can change ... but I can't change the fact that what we want in our life ..
can love be really unconditional ??
he is nut and I am crazy too.....
we are both weird ..... I guess ........