去了 一趟羅東夜市 發現比士林夜市還誇張
we were at " Lo Dun" night market ... and it was ridiculously busy .....
很多攤位都需要排隊 排很長 好像全宜蘭的人都選擇在哪那天去夜市 還有才七點就賣完
there were long lines in front of many of the food stalls , as if everyone in YiLan had dicided to have their dinner at the market ....
後來吃不到有名的羊肉湯只好將就吃別攤 點個臭豆腐來吃 結果 天啊 原來宜蘭的臭豆腐跟台北不一樣
there was a long long line for the " Popular " lamb soup , so we decided to eat at the stall next to it , I ordered some stinky tofu thinking it was just tofu .. but to everyone's surprise, the stunky tofu in Yi lan tastes so different from the one in Taipei ....
外面很酥 裡面居然是像是豆腐腦漿一樣 好像是把豆花包在裡面炸 好好吃 馬上大家又叫第二盤 隔天又外帶20份臭豆腐 哈哈
really crispy outside , but inside they use a different kind of tofu , it's more like the soybean pudding ...really soft ... as soon as we finished the first order , we got a second oreder ... and the next day ... we sent someone to get us 20 orders of stinky tofu ........ ha ha
super delicious stinky tofu ...... really crispy outside but so soft inside .... very different from the one in Taipei yum yum
連 羊肉炒麵都不一樣 是用豆腐乳炒的 剛開始吃覺得味道怎麼那麼奇怪 後來才有人吃出來原來是豆腐乳
in Yi Lan , they make the lamb fried noodles with a special kind of soybean , in Taipei they make this kind fried noodles with BBQ sauce ..
來到一個偏僻的地方 today we came to a place in the middle of nowhere .............
a fish farm ... for fresh water fish .... 養殖魚場
這裡有各很有個性的老闆 聽說他一過五點就不烤魚 所以過五點進來的都拒收
the owner of this place has got a quite special character , he refuses to serve any more grilled fish if you come in after 5 :00
後來可以了解為什麼 就他依個人坐在這面前烤魚 還真是辛苦
I can understand why ...look at him sitting in front of the grill cooking fish .... no wonder he is off after 5
but the fish tastes really good .... ... 但是這烤魚真的很好吃耶
奇怪名字的地方 牛鬥
go fishing 來釣魚
這位先生 我在後面等很久 想來拍個好照片 結果等到我快直接想跳下去了 他還是沒釣到
結果有一些殘忍的人掉到一些魚 我也很開心的吃了不少魚 :(
餐廳外面有一個池子 養了好多肥的魚
飯後甜點 宜蘭點心 花生糖春捲包上冰淇淋
special local dessert .... spring roll wrapped with peanut powder and two scoops of ice cream ...
I have put on a lot of weight after this trip ... coz I was eating and eating ...................
someone said to me today that I have become a bit bigger ................. ahhh .........
變胖不少 一直 吃吃吃吃吃吃吃