Want to fly .............. 在美國時搭乘二次大戰訓練機 忽然很想念飛翔在藍天的感覺
在飛機上拍 ................................ 想飛上天
Took this while we were on the trainer plane .... want to fly into the sky through the clouds.................
" We shouldn't think about ourselves too much ... shouldn't over emphasise our own feelings , because it will make us self-centered and we shouldn't expect others to make us feel better ... " someone said to me today ...
"我們不應該太想著自己 , 過度強調自己的感覺, 不應該期待他人來讓我們有好感覺 因為太注重自己的感覺 就會變成自我 " 有人今天跟我這樣說
I have been thinking about this .... I think it makes sense ... if there were more people in the world paying less attention on their own feelings but more on others , perhaps there wouldn't be so many hate , anger ... negative feelings ...
我一直在想 這句話很有道理 如果這各世界上的人有越多人多注意他人的感受而不是自己的想法 或許這世上就不會有那麼多仇恨 怨氣及一些負面感覺
I often hear people say , recently heard a lot from that asshole and including myself have said this to my family , P ... " why don't you understand how I feel ?? , Why don't you try to understnad ?? " " I can't ...because I feel .... " " I don't like what you have said .... " " I hate to hear you use this word .... " " I can;t stand people ...................... "
我常常聽到人說 尤其是最近我的ex常說 包括我自己在內也說過幾次這樣的話對家人對我的ex " 你為什麼不了解我 你為什麼不試著去懂我的感受 我沒辦法 因為我覺得...... , 我不喜歡你說的話 我討厭聽到你用那各字 我不能忍受別人怎樣怎樣......... "
Can we learn to put some of " oursleves " aside ... and learn to FEEL how others may feel ..... to help people who need our care , and attentions ...
我們如何能學習把部分自我放一旁 學著去多感受別人的想法 去幫助需要我們關心 注意力的人
We should not expect others to make us feel better .... I agree ...and disagree ... I understand why we shouldn't count on others to give us happiness ... or give us more postitive emotions ..... we need to look for them ourselves ... " even when we are in a difficult situation , we should try to look for what is good and build on it .... "
we should take control of our own emotions ...... but it's hard to do .... I think that we not only over emphasise our own feelings but because we also care too much about how others think of us ....
我們不應該期望別人令我們有好感覺 我同意也不同意 我了解為什麼我們不應該期盼別人給我們快樂 快樂及一些正面情緒是應該自己要去尋找 就算處在一個非常糟的情形下 我們也該試著找出好的一面 應該自我掌控各種情緒 但是我覺得恨難 因為除了我們過分重視自己的感受外 我們還太在意他人想法
I put this on the back og my name cards to remind myself .....
" Find beauty in things as they are , in reality of here and now "
to remind myself to see everyone I have met with a different perspective ... find out the " beauty " in things I have seen .... appreciate what is in front of me .... what I have ....
it has worked well...... but no matter how hard I have tried , I haven't been able to find the " beauty " in P , .... and I really don't like the feelings I have everytime when I think of him , or hear anout him.... I do not HATE him ... but I just can't find a way to change how I think of him ..... only rember what he said to me or how he thinks of me ... I feel angry .... and when I tried to leave it behind ... but he somehow managed to find a way to push that " button " ..... stop talking to each other is a good idea.... everyone says that .... time will heal..... why everyone , books ... tell us how to forget .... to divert your attention to something else .. when you are hurt , shouldn't you try to see a doctor or find a cure .. but not to leave it there ...... ??? sometimes I do not understand the logics ...
" 從平凡的東西中找出值得欣賞的的地方 在現實環境中找到美麗" 我用這句話來提醒我自己改變看人的觀點 試著找出每個人的優點 從我看過的事物中尋找發現美麗的角度 用不同的角度欣賞很多事
我試著這樣想 確實幫助我不少 但是不論我多努力嘗試 我就是還無法找出P的"好" 我真的不喜歡我每次聽見他消息或是想到他時的感覺 不是想念而是憤怒 只想起他所說的一些傷人的話 他是如何想我 ...... 我不是各會去恨人的人 我只是無法控制自己改變對他的想法 我不想想到他時只記得他那些傷人的話 試過把他把一切忘掉 但是他總是有辦法找到方法激怒我 不在連絡是各好方法 我知道 每個人都這樣說 時間會治療一切 我也知道 為什麼每個人 書籍 專家都是告訴人如何去忘掉傷痛 去轉移注意力 可是當我們上受傷時 不是應該去找醫生 或是著找出方法治療嗎 ? 難不成就這樣放著
When the sunshine will appear again???
陽光何時會再出現 ???
- Dec 04 Mon 2006 01:04
~ Self-Centered 自我