
 Have heard some photography friends talking about two other webs - " FLICKR " and " BLOGGER " ...................    I have signed up for both of them to see how they are different ... as for uploading and viewing photos ..............   Blogger .....   pretty bad ....  for viewing photos ...    don't like it ....  but I think I will keep it to write some stuff .....    and as for  "Flickr  "  ......   I don't like it either .....  it takes ages to upload photos ...and can only upload 5 at a time ................     so far , Wretch is still my favorite ...................  

who is that man ...???  I do not know .....       

while there are a lot of people busy doing water sports .......................  there are some people busy doing something  ................  

daydreaming ......................

making Kites ....   I bought my beautiful kite from them .................    

Some tourists are getting their hair braided ............   wow... it must be a difficult job .... need four people working on it ... 

even selling paintings...............    at the beach ...........................       Balineses do work hard ....     

PS:   Thanks NIBUS for correcting me .........     this is parasailing  

and Paragliding should be this 

BUT what is "  HANGGLIDING "  ???    I always thought this was called " hanggliding " ...............    

..........................................................      not sure if I want to try both of them ........................  

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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