Ha ha .... I had been waiting for this book to arrive for two weeks before I finally got it this afternoon ............ It seems to be an interesting , and I heard that it is going to be made into a movie as well....
等了兩個星期這本書終於到了 我看到介紹覺得他會是依本有趣的書 聽說也要被拍成電影喔 趕快來看
This is the true story of Franz Wisner, a man who thought he had it all- a high profile career and the fiancée of his dreams- when suddenly, his life turned upside down. Just days before they were to be married, his fiancée called off the wedding. Luckily, his large support network of family and friends wouldn't let him succumb to his misery. They decided Franz should have a wedding and a honeymoon anyway- there just wouldn't be a bride at the ceremony, and Franz' travel companion would be his brother, Kurt.
During the "honeymoon," Franz reconnected with his brother and began to look at his life with newfound perspective. The brothers decided to leave their old lives behind them. They quit their jobs, sold all their possessions, and traveled around the world, visiting sixty countries for the next two years. In Honeymoon With My Brother, Franz recounts this remarkable journey, during which he turned his heartbreak into an opportunity to learn about himself, the world, and the brother he hardly knew.
( 本書中譯本 跟我老弟度蜜月 由高寶出版
I have just finished a book that one of my students recommended ,and she lent it to me ..... it's in Chinese , I am now trying to find the book in English ....
The ideas and logic in this book are very similar to the other book I have read - The present , which I really like .... It's basically tells you to focus on the present .. to do what you believe in ....
I was having this conversation with a friend of mine , we think what we learn from these two books can be applied on relationships ... it takes a loft of courage to love and be loved .... if you see someone that you truly believe she/he is the one for you , then don't hesitate ... do not worry about what will happen in the future , or be dwelled on past regrets ... just focus on the present .... don't just sit there doing nothing and wait for luck to come to you , you must create one yourself ... focus on doing what you should do , then good luck will come to you .... but when you see a chance , don't be afraid... like the movie I watched on HBO last night " You have come so far ... there is no reason for you to give up now ... "
弟二本書是我一個學生借我的 他推薦給我 是中文版 我正在試著找英文版
這本書中談到的的觀念及邏輯其實跟另一本我喜歡的書-禮物 很類似 基本上是告訴你去專注於現在 去做你你認為是對的
我那天跟一個朋友討論這個 我們認為從這兩本書學到的其實也可運用在感情上 去愛人與被愛是需要很大勇氣的 如果你遇到一個對象你真心相信他是你的真命天子 天女 那請別猶豫 別去擔心未來可能會發生的事 或老是活在過去的悔恨中 只要專注再現在 千萬不要只坐在哪裡什麼事都不做就等好運降臨 你必須去創造運氣 專注在你應該做的事 自然好運會跟著來
當運氣機會來時 也別忘了給自己一點勇氣 就像昨晚我看的 一部電影中說的 " 你已經好不容易走到這裡了 沒有理由現在放棄 "
- Sep 28 Thu 2006 21:23
Books I have read and a book I am going to read 好書推薦