Finally we were heading back home on Aug. 2 after we had been staying in Florida for 29 days ... we got up at 6:30 and left the hotel at 8:00 am for our first flight which was scheduled to depart at 11:05 from Orlandoto Newark , but when we got to the airport , we were told that the flight had been delayed to 2:30 , so we waited there from 8:30 to 2:30 ... and when we arrived at the airport in Newark , which was 5:30 pm , we were told that the flight had been delayed to 9:30pm .... so again , we waited there for another 4 hours , and by then I was very sure that we were going to miss our connecting flight in Hong Kong and we would probably have to spend the night at the airport or hopefully at a hotel . 終於在8月2日我們啟程回台灣 早上6:30起床 8點從飯店出發到機場 原定是11點的飛機從奧蘭多到紐華客的班機延遲到下午2:30 所以我們再機場等了6小時 不過小孩子玩的很開心 接著當我們飛了三小時到紐華客時 已經是下午5點 我們又被告知原定3點出發到香港的飛機已被延遲到晚上9:30 所以我們又等了4小時
but I think we were very lucky ... why ? 但是我覺得我們很幸運 爲什麼 ?
1. because as soon as we arrived in Newark , a woman walked to me and offered to take us to get the meal voucher from the airline , which I had no idea that we could get that ... we all got US$8 for our dinner ... and we enjoyed our dinner . 因為一路上都有人幫助我們 我們 一到紐華客時 就有人主動幫我向航空公司拿晚餐券 並不是每個人都知道可以拿 所以我們每個人都有8塊美金 大家吃的很開心
2. I thought we would probably have to sleep at the airport in Hong Kong ... but 2 hours before we landed in HK , the service manager on the plane came to me and told me that the plane was being diverted to Shnaghai, because of the typhoon in Hong Kong ... so we landed in Shanghai and waited on the plane for 2 hours ... so by the time we arrived in HK , it was 6:30 on Friday morning .... and we didn't have to sleep at the airport ...
原先以為因為美國班機延誤而我們會被迫留在香港機場過夜 但是再我們飛了13小時 再抵達香港的前兩小時 我被告知因為颱風所以我們不能降落香港 必須轉向到上海 所以我們再飛機上等了2小時再上海機場 等我們到香港時 已經是星期五早上6:30 所以我們不需睡機場
3 . when we walked out of the plane , a guy was there waiting for us ,he told me that he had had rebooked our flight back to Taiwan for us , it was the earliest one , at 8:35 am , but when we went to the counter , we were informed that the departure time had been changed to 9:35 am ... and we got a meal voucher again for HK$75 , and we all had really big meal there .... at least , the kids were happy .... I thought they would be complaining , but they were all very happy happy that the flights were late ... they didn't want to go home ... HOW FUNNY ! that's why I say that we were lucky .
當我們一下飛機 就有航空公司人協助我們重新訂機位回台灣 他訂了早上8:35的班機 結果也是因為颱風 所以班機延遲到9:35 我們也拿到港幣75的餐券 大家又吃的很愉快 至少小孩子們都很快樂 甚至說希望班機取消 他們就不用回台灣 我還擔心他們會抱怨 真是有趣 我真的覺得自己很幸運帶到這群小孩
and because of the typhoon , so there had been a lot of flights been canceled the night before yesterday .... so there were a lot of passengers spent the night at the airport ...and they were not happy ..... it was a chaos in the airport ... and the airline made a mistake ... so we missed our flight at 9:35 , but the kids were happy because they got to eat and shop in the dutyfree stores .... I was running to get us a flight back as early as possibel ...
結果因為颱風所以前伊天下午就有一群人滯留在香港機場過夜 當我們到香港時 有一群台灣旅客非常生氣航空公司的態度而再機場抗議 機場簡直是一團亂 而航空公司犯了 一個錯 以致於我們錯過了原訂9;35的班機 不過我們一點都不擔心或生氣 大家反而很高興可以去逛街 於是我讓他們去免稅店逛 我則去處理機位的事
4. I was lucky , why ? because while there were a lot of passengers there who couldn't get a flight back to Taiwan , I got someone to help me to get a flight at 1:25 , which by the time I got the boarding passes it was already 1:00 , and luckily I told the kids to meet at 1:00 , so I went upstairs to get them and we went to the gate . 很幸運的 當一堆人要不到機位回台灣時 我得到幫助順利在一點拿到登機證 而班機是1:25出發 我剛好要小孩在一點集合 所以時間剛剛好 我們總算順利撘上飛機
we arrived in Taiwan at 3:30 on August .4 , Friday . we didn't have our luggage with us .... because of all the chaos in HK , so our luggage was still in HK .... anyway , it took us another 90 minutes to fill in all the forms .... so we will get our suitcases today .... so by the time we walked out of the airport to meet all the parents , it was 5:30 ......
我們在下午3:30抵達台灣 8月4日 因為香港機場的混亂 所以我們的行李還在香港 因此我們又多花了快兩小時填寫資料來安排行李會送到家 希望是今天 所以等我們全部走出機場時 已經是下午快6點
I was tired , but the kids were not ..... that was good though .... Lucky me ... :) 我是快累死了 但是這群小孩還是精神好 這對我來說是件好事
I told them that all the experiences we had had were really special, including being diverted to Shanghai ... we had fun , we sang songs ... we ate , shopped ... we enjoyed our time during the long wait at the airportS .... 我一路上告訴他們我們在這過去的 一個月所有的經驗都是非常特別 甚至包括飛機轉向上海 這我們長時間在機場的停留時間中 我們滿樂在其中 我們唱歌 逛街 吃吃喝喝
and the most importantly , we are back ....safely ! :) and there were only me with 17 kids ( 10 ~13 YEARS OLD ) .... everyone was vey impressed .... I was too .
最重要的是 我們全部都安全的回家 而且只有我帶著17位10~13歲的學生 每個人都很佩服我 我也滿佩服自己的 我完成了 一項不可能的任務
We all consider ourselves being lucky , because for the past month , we have had a lot of different experiences , strange situations... but fun experiences as well...
- Aug 05 Sat 2006 13:36
We are back !! 我們回來了!!