
This is my favorite ride in the park ..... we all got really really wet on this ride ....soaking wet .... I couldn't stop laughing when we were on this ride ... wjile most of people were screaming ...... it was just so funny ......
I have never been on so many rides in one day before .... I screamed so much that my throat hurts .... this is a really fun park to visit again ...if you like going on rides ....
除了環球影城外 這個Islands of Adventure 是個有許多雲霄飛車的樂園 超酷的 這個是我最喜歡的 我們全身都溼透了 我像個瘋子一樣不停的笑 其他人都不斷尖叫 從沒在一天內做過那麼多次雲霄飛車 尖叫到喉嚨痛