~ Sometimes your friends are your lovers, or have been at one time ~
I have a question ...can someone be allowed to enter a country if she had been arrested for shop-lifting during her last visit ? How big the chance is for her to get the visa ? There is a woman standing in front of me this morning down in the visa office ... and she was being interviewed by one of the officers there .... when the officer asked her if she had ever been arrested , she first answered " No " , then he asked her if she had been taken finger prints before ...then she said yes .... then the long explaination began .............. gee ! ! She was told to go back to the office again this afternoon.... wondering if she could still get the visa ...
There was another interviewer- a young Chinese guy who was chatting almost every "young " woman he had interviewed up ..... I mean , really chatting ... even asked a young university girl where she would be tomorrow ........ I have no idea what he was thinking ...... okay , he is kinda cute ..... but I was there from 9 am till 11 ...really not in the mood chatting with anyone .. so I picked a guy who seemed to be really efficient .... guess what ? He did not ask me any questions about visa , instead he started chatting with me about " name changing and fortune- telling " and I had to offer him to look at my old passports ..... he didn't even ask for any document I brought with me and the interview finished . I got my visa back this evening ..... so fast .... impressive ! !
今天去辦簽證時 前面站著一個中年婦女 他因為在1998年去美國時因在商店行竊被逮捕而留下紀錄 但是當面試官問是否曾被逮捕 她先說沒有 當面試官再問是否有留下指紋紀錄 她說進海關時有 面試官說在1998年時並不需要按指紋 最後他再問一次 那個女人才承認有 那位美國面釋官非常生氣問他為什麼不承認 之後這女人解釋一大堆
我心想不知道曾經有犯罪紀錄是否還能再入境 隔壁窗口 另一個面試官 則是一直跟他所面試的每一位年輕女孩"聊天" 真的聊天喔 已經接近搭訕程度 還問一個大學生問她明天會去哪裡 真不知道他在想什麼 好吧 他是長的滿可愛的 不過我從早上九點一直到十一點才好 我可沒那心情被搭訕 於是我選了一個動作最快的 結果他居然跟我聊起改中文名的事 連我帶去的文件一樣都沒看 還是我主動問他要不要看我的舊護照 就說好了 ....................... 我在剛剛晚上7點多就收到快遞送簽證給我 真是快的嚇死人
" A man who envies our family is a man who needs help." ( ha ha ~! I like this quote ....so funny , but I wonder if we could relly tell our children this )