
The heart has four valves: mitral, aortic, tricuspid and pulmonic. These valves normally function like little doors, opening widely to allow blood to flow easily through to the next chamber, and closing tightly to prevent blood in the heart from traveling in the wrong direction.
人體的心臟瓣膜有主動脈瓣、二尖瓣、肺動脈瓣及三尖瓣。當瓣膜因為病變或老化,發生瓣膜鬆脫便會使瓣膜再也不能達到防止逆流的任務,這時病患就會有瓣膜「逆流」或「閉鎖不全」的問題;另一方面,如果病患的瓣膜發生沾粘、鈣化,使瓣膜無法順利打開,這時病患就有瓣膜「閉鎖」或「狹縮」的問題。閉鎖的瓣膜因為鈣化不但有打不開的問題,也常常無法閉緊,而多少合併有逆流的問題。(我爸就是瓣膜閉不緊 原本應是單行道 A進 B出,  結果他的血是往回走- 醫生說的 )
Stenosis refers to the accumulation of calcium (and other substances normally found in blood) on the leaflets that make up the valve. This deposit, or stenosis, prevents the leaflets from opening as widely as they should and once could. The hole the blood must pass through when the leaflets are open becomes progressively smaller. The problem is that the heart still must pump the same amount of blood through a smaller and smaller opening. Stenosis is one reason why valves are repaired or replaced
Normally, when the valve leaflets close, they stay shut. This ensures that the blood flows through the heart in one direction only. When a valve does not lose tightly, however, it is called valvular insufficiency, or leakage. This valvular insufficiency may allow blood to travel the wrong way.  ( This is what happens to my Dad ..his blood travels the wrong way )
病患罹患瓣膜性心臟病,會有呼吸急喘、下肢腫脹、食慾減退、心律不整等症狀,嚴重時有腹水、肋膜腔積水、全身水腫、消瘦、甚至惡體質等情形,病患由他們的症狀,加上特殊的心臟雜音,醫師可以清楚地診斷病患瓣膜性心臟病。再配合心電圖、胸部X光照相、心臟超音波檢查、核子醫學心臟檢查,醫師可以更準確掌握病患病情及嚴重度。瓣膜性心臟病病患早期可以使用限水、服用毛地黃藥物、及利尿劑控制病情;但是如果病患呼吸急喘嚴重,輕微活動或休息時都會集喘,心臟腔室持續擴大,或心臟功能持續減退,這時就要考慮改用外科手術治療。 (但是我爸還是很胖呀 食慾也是很好呀 )


Both valvular stenosis and insufficiency can affect, separately or simultaneously, any heart valve, meaning that sometimes more than one valve is affected. Very often, valves can be repaired and its functioning improves dramatically. Other times, the diseased valve must be removed and replaced with a prosthetic, or artificial, valve made of metal or plastic. New options in valve replacement include bioprostheses, or natural tissue valves taken from animals
瓣膜性心臟病之外科手術治療主要以瓣膜置換或修補手術為主;所謂瓣膜置換手術就是將病變的瓣膜剪下,換上新的人工瓣膜;瓣膜修補手術是指將病變的瓣膜保留,只針對有問題的瓣膜結構加以修補 sounds really dangerous ..the whole operation .... really wish that my dad didn't have to get one of this ... sounds really dangerous ..the whole operation .... really wish that my dad didn't have to get one of this ...  

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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