面膜訂購 朋友的老闆投資的生物科技公司生產的面膜 他們開放給員工訂購 聽說很便宜 我朋友是超級敏感肌膚 就是那種連化妝隔天就會過敏的那種 連他敷都沒事 那我看應該可以信賴 Tanya打算要訂 順便問一下 各位美女們 要的話 請注意我更新的內容 我會在明天放上面膜種類 及價錢
IGood news for the girls who often use facial masks , the same friend who is buying the seaweed , her boss has invested a biotechnology company which manufactures facial masks .... and they offer their employees a very good price for these masks . According to my friend, she has been using them for more than two months... and so far there hasn't been any side effects ( because my friend has very sensitive skin , she always gets a serious allergy reaction the day after she has worn make up ) So I think we can trust the quality of the masks .... even she can use them then we should be fine .
I will post further information on the seaweed and the masks by the end of tomorrow ....
面膜 一張18元 請在6月25日前告知 下星期一要訂 約一星期可以拿到
IGood news for the girls who often use facial masks , the same friend who is buying the seaweed , her boss has invested a biotechnology company which manufactures facial masks .... and they offer their employees a very good price for these masks . According to my friend, she has been using them for more than two months... and so far there hasn't been any side effects ( because my friend has very sensitive skin , she always gets a serious allergy reaction the day after she has worn make up ) So I think we can trust the quality of the masks .... even she can use them then we should be fine .
I will post further information on the seaweed and the masks by the end of tomorrow ....
面膜 一張18元 請在6月25日前告知 下星期一要訂 約一星期可以拿到
晶緻煥膚面膜 |
高度保濕 (適合敏感性膚質) |
薰衣草精油:鎮靜/制菌/促進細胞生長 海藻萃取物:促進新陳代謝/高親水性/除皺 玻尿酸:天然保濕因子/預防皺紋/老化/可重建水脂保護膜 |
白皙柔嫩面膜 |
美白、保濕 |
小黃瓜:迅速補充水份/美白亮顏/平衡油脂/緊緻 檸檬精油:促進新陳代謝/殺菌/制菌/抗發炎/抗過敏 |
平衡潔淨面膜 (適合乾性/油性膚質) |
控油、收縮毛細孔、制菌、平衡油光 |
天竺葵:收斂毛細孔/鎮靜/抗過敏/抗發炎 牛蒡萃取液:殺菌/安撫/舒緩/收斂/保濕/可調理修護油性肌膚 |
茄紅素面膜 |
抗氧化、活化細胞 |
茄紅素: 補水/修補/促進肌膚更生/增強肌膚自我抗癒/減少自由基傷害 |
蘆薈面膜 |
消退紅腫、保濕、修復、深層消炎殺菌 |
蘆薈萃取液: 平衡油脂分泌/增強肌膚免疫/促進膠原增生/防止老化/抑制黑色素 |
薰衣草面膜 |
加強保濕、鎮靜肌膚 |
薰衣草精油: 鎮靜/舒緩/制菌/促進細胞增生/調節皮脂過度分泌 |
玫瑰面膜 (適用於暗沉肌膚/乾性膚質使用) |
嫩白、保濕 |
玫瑰精油: 高度保濕效果/活化細胞/促進新陳代謝/恢復彈性 |
敷面膜時間:15-20分鐘/次(時間過長容易產生反效果),敷面膜次數:2-3次/週(視個人肌膚/喜好調整) | |||||
卸妝(含隔離/防曬霜)→洗臉→去角質(一次/週)→化妝水→精華液(依個人肌膚/喜好)→敷面膜→保養品 | |||||
避免面膜放置陽光直射/高溫/潮濕處;夏天建議將面膜置放冰箱,效果更佳;面膜存放方式應一致,避免品質受影響 | |||||
使用初期時,肌膚稍有刺激感,不需擔心;肌膚若有傷口請勿使用 |