
Tanya cooked again..... Thanks for my Spanish friend's recipe ... I used 7 eggs in this dish .... and potatoes, onions , mushrooms... and some seasoning 

Did something stupid today .... was making some coffee this morning .... 10 minutes after pouring some water in the coffee maker , I walked back to the coffee maker with my mug hoping to enjoy my morning coffee .... then ....... ahh...... there was only water in the coffee pot ..... and it didn't look like coffee or smell like coffee either.... why why why ?????????   I was panic for a minute thinking the machine had been broken ......  then I realised that STUPID me had only poured water in but not the coffee...............................  HOW STUPID can I be !!     
做了一件蠢事 十分鍾把水倒進咖啡壺後 走回去等著喝咖啡 結果 啊 ............................居然只有水在咖啡壺裡 看起來不像聞起來也不像咖啡 為什麼???? 驚慌了 一下想說咖啡機壞了 結果是我只記得放水忘了放咖啡 真智障 !! 

Then I went  swimming .........................  it was a disaster as well......    frustrating morning !  

Went to a tradtional market in Taipei  to buy the ingredients for my egg tortilla this afternoon ....  bought some vegetables ... then on my way home in a taxi , I smelled something ... then I looked in the bag I was carrying ... there were some chives (蔥 ) in the bag along with the potatoes ,onions and corns .... WOW....  I almost  forgot that  we get some free chives when we shop at these tradtional markets ....  marvelous ! though I don't need any chives in my cooking today ....    for some stupid reasons , I feel so touched ....for getting some free chives .....   Ahhhhh.....................  Am I becomming a HOUSEWIFE now ??  I cook , I clean , I knit and now I cry over some free chives I got in a tradtional market ???    
下午去台北的一個傳統市場買做西班牙蛋餅的材料 買了 一些蔬菜 然後在計程車上聞到一個怪味 我看到在我剛買的蔬菜袋子裡居然有青蔥??  哇 我幾乎忘了我們都會有免費的蔥可以拿當我們去傳統市場買菜時    太棒了 !!  雖然我今天不需要用到它     因為一種白痴原因 我居然覺得感動 就因為別人給我免費的蔥??? 啊 啊 啊 .............我開始變成家庭主婦了嗎 ??  我煮飯 開始稍微打掃家裡 織圍巾 現在居然為一把免費蔥而感動 我是 怎麼了 ....???  

How to make Spainsh Tortilla ~

5 large Potatoes
2 onions
olive oil
black pepper
10 to 12 REAL FRESH eggs 
or any other vegetables you prefer ...  
Cut 5 big potatoes into 0.5 cm squares, do the same to the onion. Break eggs into large bowl and stir with salt and pepper and put aside. Crush the garlic and put in small dish for later. Heat up flat frying pan and add oil. Add onion and heat till onion becomes yellow not baked!! Add garlic then potatoes. Fry gently, not bake, until potatoes are done but not too soft. Turn off heat and add mixture to egg mixture. Mix well.

Heat up grill to maximum. Take flat frying pan (15-25 cm in diameter) and heat with a little olive oil. Add egg and potato mixture until almost the whole pan is filled. ( My friend told me to keep pushing the eggs from the edge of the pan into the center ,so can make the tortilla look thicker )Fry gently until the bottom is sealed. Now place pan under grill until top is sealed. Use plate that fits, to turn over mixture and place back on low heat

Bask like the inside soft and wet. So do not fry longer than 2-4 minutes. If you dont like soft egg inside, leave on heat for 4-6 minutes each side.


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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